Thursday, 20 June 2019

Branch meeting June 20th 2019 calico gardens with Liz Almond

 Branch meeting 20th June 2019 

Calico gardens with Liz Almond

How lucky we have been to have two successive branch meetings led by the  multi-talented Liz Almond.
Last month she led a day school concerning pulled threads in blackwork but this month, in spite of having a troubled month of family problems, she arrived with numerous examples of her take on calico gardens. 


As the workshop progressed Liz explained the rational behind the examples and very clearly explained the possibilities available using the kit she had provided.

Everyone was soon busy creating their own calico gardens, encouraged at every step by Liz

Members work table

Some of the things on the work table showed examples of work inspired by Liz Almond on her previous visits but others illustrated the depth of talent amongst the members

Our very talented vice chairmen is here modelling the jacket she has made which is embellished with Kogin embroidery

We have a break from branch meetings until September but hope that members and visitors will join us at st Andrew's church for National stitch day this coming Saturday, 22nd June and for the Cream tea on Saturday 13th July

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Branch meeting Feb 21st 2019

Wet felting and social stitching

Barbara had a lot of notices to give us today but everyone was seated ready for action either with Bev and her wet felting workshop or at a social stitching table where a whole lot of  various types of stitching were going on.

Members table

Joyce puts us all to shame . She always has so many beautiful things to put on the members' table and at a time when she has some issues in her life.
You are a constant inspiration Joyce.

I especially loved the hedgehog

These delicious looking chocolates reminded me of a workshop we did a few years ago
very tempting Carole

Soon it was time for the workshop

How do you choose from such a wonderful selection of colour?

These were the wonderful wool tops available to those doing the workshop

Soon people were beavering away laying out their wool tops ready for felting

Now we have to wait for some of their finished creations to appear on the work table

It was also good to see Paul and Jean today. Alhough they are no longer members it is good that they drop in to see us

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

The day that we went Parbold

The day that we went to Parbold

Following a visit, last year, of two members of the Parbold branch who gave 
us a talk about some pieces from their recent exhibition, on Sat 9th February 2019 eight members of the Rochdale branch made the journey to Parbold to return the favour.

We had decided to take some examples of collaborate pieces of work.

We were welcomed by Nicky , their chairman

After that, Bev  spoke about our forthcoming exhibition at  the Littleborough coach house.
The exhibition will run from April 6th to May 5th
All are welcome!

Marie was the first from Rochdale to speak. 

She spoke about the pride and joy of the branch ........ The branch banner. Marie explained that photographs  were taken in and around Rochdale town hall and the volunteers from the branch were asked to do a  piece of needlework inspired by one of the pictures.
Marie went on to explain that decisions had to be made about joining the pieces together.

The banner is put up for all our branch meetings and there is a file which explains about the processes in creating the banner.

Next up was Barbara, our chair. She spoke about the cloth that was made form "scribble" embroideries. At a branch workshop Barbara presented the idea of creating a piece of work from some examples of scribbles (or taking a pencil for a walk). People were asked to stick to a colour scheme and plan which  stitches were to where. It was just amazing to see the colourful and varied results and at each of the meetings the cloth graces the members' work table.

When we celebrated our twentieth anniversary, four years ago, it was decided to do a collaborative piece to commemorate it. There was quite a lot of discussion and people remembered about doing the rainbow squares some years ago. There were decisions to be made about colour and it was decided to make a list of different embroidery techniques and people could sign their name  alongside one of them.The colour scheme of red with any metallic additions to be gold.

Jan spoke about this and here you see her standing beside the finished banner. 

She also explains that the frame was adapted from an old frame which she had in the attic and also how the inspiration for how to join the pieces came from an Australian magazine.

The last thing that we had taken was our bunting which we had draped around the hall. You can see it in these pictures  (The bunting is broken down into three pieces to make it easier to manage and to hung in smaller lengths)

I spoke about the Bunting
It was an idea by our previous chair, Hilary, following a conversation I had with her about doing a similar project with a small group I belong to. She decided to ask us all to do our own pennant, in any media we chose, based on something inspired by the month of our birth. What an amazing set of results we got and were all amazed by the things that resulted.

As a branch we are very proud of these pieces and they are now a part of the life of the branch

We were extremely well rewarded for making the visit
 by an excellent afternoon tea kindly donated by their members. Thank you so much 