A busy meeting
It was buzzing at the guild today !!

It was a well attended meeting with two workshops and social stitching. It is so good that members are prepared to bring their work along to share their talents.
Here are some of today's gems

I always love to see how people have responded to workshops and put their own mark on things.
It was Barbara Bauckham's first time taking the meeting as chairman and a good job she did too!
Amongst the things she mentioned was the need to keep other member's details confidential.
Two new members received their welcome packs. How nice it is to be greeting new people as we have in the last year. We also had three visitors today who seemed to enjoy the activities.
I spoke to the meeting to tell them of my visit to the Guild exhibition at Aylesbury museum. It it stunning!! Unfortunately it finishes now soon but preparations are being made for the permanent exhibition.
We were read parts of Val Coleshaw's last newsletter as NW chairman.
Appeals were made for new programme secretaries and a new treasurer for next year.
After the business concluded people got down to one of the two workshops or some social stitching.
Kate Philbin led a group to make some "Dotty Dolls and Muriel Hardy did some canvas work.
Our thanks to them.
I think this was the star of the 'Dotty Dolls but expect to see some examples on the worktable in future months
Here are some examples of the other group's aspirations