Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Regional day
Haigh Hall April 23rd 2016

Twenty one of our members travelled to Haigh hall for the Regional day run by the Bolton branch

Congratulations go to Pat Blincoe who won third prize for her entry into the themed competition
'Under the sea'

 and to Barbara Bauckham who won second prize


Just two more examples that go to prove that Rochdale has talent

Rochdale Branch Meeting April 21st 2016

One of the things mentioned by the chairman today was that Joyce Bargh has had her stem cell surgery. We all wish her well.
Hilary, the chair asked for Branch support for the Capability Brown project and the cream tea to be held on July 9th 2016 so plenty of things to keep members busy.
The speaker today was Josephine Ormerod who started her textile journey about four years ago
She does a lot of work with coiled pots and let us in to some of her secrets.

Here is Josephine showing her technique for machining the coils together

This shows the pot near completion.

Some other examples of her work

Beverley Elliot, on of our members had also brought long some of the examples of her work that she did during and after her City and Guilds studies